2/3/24-Saying Good-bye to Big Mac!

Today was an important, albeit average day. A while back my brother brought me an injured pigeon that was hanging outside an O'Rileys, their wing was busted but not so bad that it wasn't able to heal anymore.

I took it in and named it Big Mac--because they were so chunky you could hold them like a burger. Big Mac had trouble settling in but got used to being indoors, they perched and took a liking to pigeon feed. For a while he could barely flap his wings and had to walk and hop to move around.

Throughout the months, his wing slowly healed--and he would show this by flapping his wings repeatedly, stirring up dust and making my room a little chilly for a while. And today I felt it was ready to let them go--so they could set out and fly again. But it was freezing cold outside by the time he healed--so it left us with a longer waiting period.

Until today that is. I felt it was ready for him to get on outta here. The weather was perfectly nice and sunny with a light breeze, the sun started to set around the time we set him free but still it felt nice. He stood atop the roof of a garage, just looking around and then it took off. I tried to race after him to see him before he left for good. But by the time I got to the front yard he was gone.

I'm gonna miss Big Mac, even if he was a pain to clean after and hated people. It was nice to see that they recovered well. And to be honest-- I was ready to not have to clean after him anymore!

So goodbye, Big Mac :') like chilling at a parking lot or a park or something idk where that guy lives.