a steamtrain chugging along ...ALERT! CITIZENS, THIS SITE IS YET TO BE COMPLETE! I REPEAT, THIS SITE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION, THANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING!a biker riding a motorcycle a tiny gif of cartoon Spiderman swinging


clay model of a computer by Mason Lindroth A bundle of lavender



  • Finish 'About me' page
  • Finish reworking 'Cool Stuff' page
  • Start 'Shrine' directory'
  • Remake the dance club
  • Make souvenir page
  • Oc Page?
  • Add Hylics shrine
  • Add Creature Feature shrine
  • Archive previous Music of the Week in the 'Toon Tomb'
  • Make Gifipet look like a Yu-Gi-Oh! card


pirate skeleton

Captain's Log:

Yarrr and what have-you. And welcome to my little secluded corner of the internet! This webpage is like months--now a year of hardwork in the making, and will hopefully soon be a place for me to post ocs and various projects at! There is still sooo much I have to learn, clean up--organize even. And to be honest I want to change the layout of this darned website, I'm just super lazy and kinda scrambled when it comes to that stuff. For now I'm gonna remake some stuff, add some stuff--try to make this page less boring yeah? My interests include art, I draw both digitally and traditionally, I paint with both acrylic and oil (not well)--and sometimes watercolor. I hope to add guache to this list sometime soon. I also use a combo of markers and some old prismacolors. I also work with clay sometimes! Though not too much because I don't like the feel of it on my fingers.


This is Sadboyz's spot now I guess.


2/23/25: I only listen to the most tOp tier music. Also not to mock the fashion of what once was,,BUT WHAT ARE THOSE FITS--GOOD LORD

gif of a banner with horns facing the leftCHANGELOGgif of a banner with horns facing the right

UPDATE: 2/16/25:

Changed the sort order of Toon Tomb Replaced the chat with my favorite Sadboyz podcast episodes.

UPDATE: 2/1/25:

Removed the SCM player for now.

UPDATE: 2/13/25:

New Valentines day theme! Added back the SCM player, working on some oc pages for later. Huzzah!

UPDATE: 11/24/24:

Organized my stuff-just some light spring cleaning. I want to remake my art-blog, my cool stuff, and my about me page.

UPDATE: 9/11/24:

Re-did my Halloween theme, will also HOPEFULLY work on the Creature Feature shrine. BEST CASE SCENARIO I finish it before Halloween.

UPDATE: 6/24/24:

Changed some stuff around, moved the chatbox and the to-do list next to each other, added some new graphics. Added my Skyrim shrine and remodeled the Toon Tomb. Music Video of the Month might just be an end of the month type of thing for now on. The movie reviews blog page is almost done, there is a weird issue I can't seem to figure out-the last two buttons I make just do not work. I can write out the code for each button- or copy-paste each bit of code needed and they just do not show the span id when I click them. It's a conundrum I can't understand right now but I want to figure it out soon cuz it's kind of annoying and it's always the last two buttons for some reason.

UPDATE: 6/24/24:

Moved the chatbox, music box, and gifipet away from the intro page cuz I wanted to rearrange and decorate them for later! For now those boxes are gonna just be floating there until I see what looks good. Been having doubts about my site--feeling like it's not as 'exciting' or 'maximalist' as I want it to be. Like I've been holding back for fear it not turning out as good as I want it to be.


Finanly finished the about me page! It took a while to get used to J-script but I'm so proud I got it done :D thank you again, Salted-slug!

In other news, Music Video of the Week updates will no longer be cateloged on the Changelog, instead they will be added below the actual Music Video article. Also I will caption them too, and later they will be archived onto the 'Toon Tomb'! Speaking of which, the blog site is still under construction but I hope to get it finished by the end of the month. That is all I think? see ya.


This week's music video is Bon Jovi's- I Believe. I think this song was used to be the during a like, ad about creativity or maybe believing in yourself or something? Idk but I think it was played on the qubo channel.

Also added more stamps! I'll add the rest tomorrow maybe? Also rethinking the whole 'Toon Tomb' part of my blog site thingy. Or maybe I'll keep it as an archive of past Music Video of the Week songs!


This week's music video is Gorillaz- Dare.


Added more buttons to visit! Also added my first journal entry. Having some trouble with the js in the movie reviews section of the blog that I hope I can solve soon.


This Sunday's music video of the week: Cumbia Sobre el Rio by Celso PiƱa!


Forgot to add a button! But they're up there now :)added a new one I made as well hehee.


This Sunday's music video of the week: Falling- by Nobodyknows featuring Shigeru Brown :).


Whoops forgot to update the changelog from when I updated the song of the week. But yay! Finally changed the layout to be a lot more neat and condensed. Hopefully the site flows better now. Before it felt very disorganized and I was not a fan of that so I decided to redesign the layout. Worked on it all day and I'm pleased to say how proud I am with how the site turned out, and I can't wait to finish decorating it tomorrow!

I was having some trouble with the 'position:absolute' for the skull and oil lantern because they'd just float upward even when scrolling. But eh, that's a tomorrow problem. Next up for a makeover would be the blog! I have stuff to add there but I want to spruce it up first and add a log feature. In addition, some movie and tv "reviews" (me just rambling about my favorite movies or shows). And then to finish the "About Me" page, I haven't been able to finish it yet because of some jankiness with the js. It's only happening to one button so I'm gonna see what that's about. But anywayssss see ya!


This week's song is a personal fav :)

That being Glass Animals and Denzel Curry's Tokyo Drift.


Finally updated on time. Happy new year folks! This week's song is Los Igualados - Cumbia Morena (En Vivo) I've been hearing it since Christmas and at first it was annoying but now it's actually growing on me. I guess it's not exactly a music video-but I like it so it stays :)


Rahhhhh I can't believe I missed another day!!!! Ugh anyways, this week's video isssss M2M's Don't Say You Love Me. I first heard the song during the end credits of Pokemon: The First Movie movie was wild and after a rewatch, I can safely say that I now know what the hell was going on.

Eh but anyways, I'm going back to the Sunday update schedule. I can just hope I stick by it this time.


An update for the update blog! Oof I've been gone for a little while mostly because I started a new Skyrim save. I am once again dissapointed, but not suprised at Bethesda's actions lately but who caresss cuz I finally beat Father Gascoigne (woo!), super fun boss battle but rahh so scary. I had him multiple times, but then his beast form would just fucken dunk on my guy! But aside from getting my ass kicked, each time I could see myself improving! Bloodborne is not my type of game, but at the same time it is my type of game. I like the fast paced action and healing mechanic in this game, but damn I'm too much of a nervous wreck to just wander the streets. Still a fantastic game tho, just not used to playing horror games ^^'.

But ahhh some actual updates: decided to merge the Gifypet and Other Links together to save some room. And I also want to see if changing the music video every Friday instead of Sunday would be better. Cuz I kinda missed a few Sundays (whoops). This Friday's song is If It Isn't Love by New Edtion (shout out to my 6th grade math teacher for randomly showing the class this music video one day).


This Sunday's video is by one of my favorite bands (who are coming back this December!!!) Hot Hot Heat! With one of their underrated songs: Harmonicas and Tamborines!


Moved my blog to the Junk page so it doesn't take up so much room in the front page! I also made a Dreamwidth account! I'm going to figure out how to set it up and all that.

I feel like changing my homepage AGAIN ARRGGGG, this time I just want to organize my stuff.


This Sunday's song: one of the best silly songs: The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything.


Fixed the background! This week's video (which I missed whoops) is Weezer's-Keep Fishin'.


Changed the bg, again. I wanted to keep the first background I used cuz I thought it was cute :( idk I might end up changing it later, I just can't decide what bg to go with!

But aside from that, I also changed the video :) I'll put a new music video manually every Sunday afternoon-for as long as I can hold up that routine. Before today, the video was Juan Gabriel with Asi Fue. Now it is Selena with her very iconic song: Bidi Bidi Bom Bom :).

And earlier this week, was A Tribe called Quest with their song I left my wallet in El Segundo.


Changed the background, added a chatbox, rearranged some stuff. Added a new iframe to play videos--I'll change the video in a sec~


Changed the background!


Fixed the homepage! Now everything will hopefully fit on laptops :) not too sure about mobile though. I also accidentally deleted the webcouter ughhh~I'll remake it soon. I'm kind of debating whether to keep the webcounter or, if I should replace it with a chatbox instead.


Changed the "Cool Stuff" page and added a separate sidebar for online quizzes!


Moved a lot of stuff around, the webguardian now rests below the blog, remade the navbar at the top and gave it a proper frame border. Updated the Art Blog with some new drawings as well :), updated the buttons. I think in the future I'll make a separate page of stamps and buttons and just iframe it on here. There is now gonn be a little sticker that says 'New!' whenever I update something or when something is finished. But only with big updates.

UPDATE: 9/12/23:

Finally added the BTR shrine!

Added more decorations and renamed almost all of the pictures I use. So I can find stuff much easier and upload newer stuff faster as well.

UPDATE: 9/8/23:

Decorated the index and homepage for Halloween :) I might do this for the rest of the holidays.

UPDATE: 9/8/23:

Changed the layout, fixed some of the layout--cleared away some code. Basically, I did a lot spring cleaning lol. Aside from all of that, added some border images and I love how they look! I might have to turn down the opacity on the vangogh background but that is a tomorrow problem. Also changed the navbar at the top, the background is a concept art piece from Barbie.I'll link that at the top tomorrow, I'm very tired as of now ^^'

UPDATE: 9/5/23:

Changed the layout and background, I will remove the old entries and transfer them here.

I like the look of the blog without the paper background.

UPDATE: 8/9/23:

Updated layout to the "Junk" page, added a few more curios as well. Will add more soon, it's just a lot to photograph.

In other news, I decided to remove the SCM player temporarily until I get a jukebox going.

UPDATE: 8/7/23:

Finally finished the 'More Stuff" page!

UPDATE: 8/6/23:

There is now custom font! Yipee!

UPDATE: 8/5/23:

Removed some decor. Added more buttons and a new site to visit.

And the changelog is finished!

UPDATE: 8/4/23:

Changed the layout and background.

UPDATE: 6/13/23:

Junk-page is up and running!

UPDATE: 5/30/23:

Art blog is up and running!

UPDATE: 5/16/23:

I'm super excited for how the site's lookin'! So far everything is looking good--minus the sidebar links and of course the footer. I'm still not sure how fonts work but I'll take my wins whenever I can get them. For now, a victory dance.

a gif of some football fans dancing repeatedly

UPDATE 5/15/23:

EEEEEEEE! I got the layout the way I wanted, and the only thing I'm struggling with at the moment would be the the footer at the top of the page AND the old sidebar I had :[

Other than that, I'm super proud of this webpage! I'm still improving of course, but wow is it actually starting to take shape!

UPDATE: 5/10/23

Lots of issues ... yikes...

But I'm still figuring stuff out. For some reason the main content area is not where it's supposed to be~! I'm having trouble placing it side by side with the sidebar. And I'm not sure what else to do, unless I scrap the whole thing--again--and start from scratch--again. It's NOT yeehaw rn y'all.

UPDATE 5/2/23:

As of...the day before, the site layout is broken--in an attempt to organize and clean my css code I've destroyed my layout, with it destroying my VERY exhausted brain and shattering my soul into tiny peices.

It's going to take a while to repair this but I'll try my best, all I wanted to do was move the gold frame to better fit my header image--which is now gone. Oh, and the font is still not where I want it to be, but it's good to know that the font can definetaly change now :/