I went to see this on the big sceen the first chance I got! Finally got to wear the cute green-washed TMNT shirt I thrifted a while back. I saw some theaters were selling merchandise and I wish I went to one of those to buy something buuuut I think I'll just buy the concept artbook instead.

This movie iiisssss an artistic masterpieceee.

I really liked the characterizations of these TMNT, Leonardo having anxiety is fair. I just wish that Supafly had been redeemed he could have been a cool big brother figure to the Turtles but that's just me.

I had NO idea of what Nimona was other than a comic created by ND Stevenson. I went into this movie completely blind, but I liked it!

Nimona is about an underdog knight by the name of Ballister Boldheart, who, during his knighting ceremony, is framed for the murder of their Queen and becomes a fugitive from then on. Oh and his arm is sliced off by his crush Ambrosious Goldenloin And while crafting a prosthetic arm in his current hideout, he is visited by a shapeshifter named Nimona.

Nimona, also being an outcast--decides to become Ballisters sidekick, whether he wants to or not. Though he wants none of that, and instead wishes to clear his name, first starting with the list of suspects that orchestrated, or could've had a hand in Ballister's downfall. Though, things take a turn when the duo start to uncover the truth behind the Queen's death. And how Nimona's past ties in to the very foundation of the Institute.

This is such a fun movie overall, the action bits really kept my attention, the characters are likable. Nimona is a fantastic character who is confident, snarky, but also vulnurable due to being unable to find a community in where they felt welcome in.

Anyways go watch this movie!

Additional notes! The setting is such a fascinating concept and after finishing it for the first time, I watched the movie again just to look at the beautiful backgrounds, architecture, and props. Futuristic+medieval is such an interesting concept and a concept I wanted to incorporate into one of my oc projects as well.

If I were a movie studio and I had to compete against this movie, I would simply pack it up and go home. Let Spiderverse relish in the spotlight because that's what it deserves.

The animation, as always--is groundbreaking-EVEN JUST ON ONE CHARACTER ALONE--*AHEM* Hobie . There's just so much to see and it's gonna take like several rewatches to catch everything. Across the Spiderverse is an amazing movie that shows ONCE AGAIN that animation is an art form and a medium that SHOULD be taken seriously!

It's a fun film, and a worthy sequel with plenty of style and details to keep the viewer busy. The action is GOD TIER. Just when you think it's going one way then--BAM it hits you with a curveball.

To me, this also just a beautifully animated tradgedy--with suffering being mistaken for duty and destiny--and Miles struggling to fit in to a system that was working against outsiders like himself in the first place. Only one truth is made clear: being Spiderman is a brutal responsibility. And personally if I was Spiderman--and someone revealed to me that my life will have tradgedies that I know will happen, but cannot stop or interfere in--I would simply lose it. Who knows how Miguel isn't just a shell of a shell of a man when we first meet him. God I can't wait to see the third movie just shatter the whole 'I cannot interfere with a canon event' Or Jefferson dies anyway (Hope that doesn't happen tho).

I do wonder: is every Spiderman story stuck in New York? Not like Manhattan, but all of New York? There can't be a Spiderman in like, New Carolina? Can Spiderman only exist in NY? And I do want to say, it sucks learning that the animators were mistreated and overworked during production--as much as I love the Spiderverse movies, I would much rather let animators be treated with respect and given the time they need to get their work done at a reasonable pace. I can wait a few more months, or even a few years for the next one if it means the animators don't have to suffer, and I think a lot of people feel the same way, personally, knowing the harsh conditions made the movie less enjoyable for me, it makes the art feel tainted ya know?
By, Fair use, Link


This movie hurt

Never before have I been moved by a film in such a way. It's been like 2 years and the impact it left is something I can't describe WHAT IS THAT

This movie DESTROYED ME. It's such a heartbreaking story of someone who took pride in their identity even if they had to leave their old world behind, they kept on with the hope to return to the good life. And the nostalgic memories of home in the refusal to assimilate to a new country that does not like you and that you hate back. He stuggles to fit in a world he does not want to be in, and can't go back to the way things used to be. And when he returns from exile -- everything has changed. Yet he remains, dancing, as the world he once knew is gone forever...

This movie was very sad :( it had me thinking about my folks. And the world they had to leave behind in order to make a new one in the States. And if they ever returned to visit or stay. I don't know, but the movie's good.

TW for violence if anyone decides to watch it.

This movie changed my life. I am being so serious I can probably pinpoint the year it changed my art forver.

In a world where everything but capitalism and war died off, bringing with the destruction of the old world, a new age of Kings and serfs--and like with all systems of oppression that pushes people to break--someone always pushes back.

The title character 'Max' is captured by the death cult known as the War Boys. And taken to a place known as the Citadel--where he is then forced to be a 'blood bag' to the biggest boyfailure "Nux". But he isn't the main focus of this movie. Instead, this is Imperator Furiosa's journey of escaping the Citadel and freeing a band of women who were used as breeding stock for their Immortan Joe. Together, they decide to escape to a place Furiosa calls 'The Green Place'. It's nothing like the hollow bones of the old world their Imortan rules over with a shiny chrome fist. In the Green Place, the plants are lush and green-and the water is plentiful. But when the Immortan learns of her treachery, he sends his war parties after them. In what is a chace to return Immortan Joe's wives--but to Furiosa and Co. It's about a race towards freedom.

There's just so much I love and appreciate about this movie, I'm not a usually a fan of modern action movies because often times the camera cuts are so jarring and at worst you can't see any of the damn action on screen! (I love any action flick Jackie Chan works on because the audience can see what's going on screen. Legend of the Drunken master is one of my faves. Sidenote: IP man is awesome as well and my #1 martial arts movie. Anyways.)

However, Fury Road blew my mind away the first time I saw it! I watched it at a family member's house and it was already halfway done when I started watching, I did not want to like it at first--I held on to my skepticism, but damn George Miller, the dude can make a movie. There was just something I have never seen in an action film before--vibrant color, rad costumes and designs for both the set and people! Practical effects! A film where the women have their own agency and spotlight! All things that more action movies need to take inspiration from. There's just an incredible amount of love and care that director George Miller has for this world-he really does just want to make AU's of his ocs and I admire that! I would love to see more Mad Max stuff, a few more comics or a sequel to Mad Max: The Game wouldn't hurt :)

I like that George Miller wrote--that at the edge of the apocalypse, where society is at it's end--there is still, and always have been, hope. Fury Road is people wanting to be free--and knowing that maybe freedom is just running away from the place you were imprisoned by, away from the people who brought you that great suffering. But what does one do when there is nowhere to run to? Then you have to make your own paradise. You gotta fight for your right to party is what I'm saying.


This was a first-watch experience for me. I've never seen Pacific Rim despite hearing and seeing so much about it. At the time I wasn't so interested in mechs and stories about them, but thanks to Mech Cadets I changed my mind.

This movie is such a amazing experience! About humanity fighting back against monsters with the power of Love™. But also about collaboration, no one person can defeat a Kaiju alone. And even with a partner, no single Jaeger can hunt a monster alone--in this case I guess it takes a village to kick a Kaiju's ass.

The cast is amazing! Idris Elba's perfomance is top tier and he carries every scene he's in with such grace. Ron Pearlman as Hannibal Chau was an unforseen but nonetheless welcome suprise! Charley Day and Burn Gorman's perfomance were so fun to watch, especially with their B-plot.

Some additional notes: First of all, I LOVED the colors in this film, call it unrealistic, but more films should have color! Saturate them please I'm tired of varying shades of grey, brown, and blue! I'm sick of movies dulling their palletes and making their films difficult to see by sliding the brightness down by -1000! So good on Pacific Rim for at least allowing me to see what was actually happening on screen. Second of all, the technology in this movie!!! I'll take clunky old tech over sleek-looking Apple like tech anytime. Gimme copper-colored, rusted machinery and clanky, worn gears! The look of the bunker made me feel like I was in a submarine and I loved it! It really sets the stage for the underdogs against the poweful beasts they had to fight. With that being said, the costumes in this movie?? RAHHH!! The drapey jacket Raleigh wears is one of my faves, it just looks so comfy!

This movie was an awesome watch and I hope to find the DVD copy of this to watch it whenever.

My personal wish for the next Guillermo del Toro film would be to follow the video-game movie 'trend' (looking at you Sims movie in the works) but! I want a Dark Souls or Bloodborne movie. That's my wish.

A blue Spix's macaw wearing a yellow scarf is surrounded by other birds and animals from the film. They sit on a sandy beach with beach-going tourists in the background, facing away. The weather is sunny, with one cloud in the sky. The text reads 'From the creators of Ice Age: RIO'

Just pure fun! Watched this movie like maybe a year after it came out and I liked it! Rewatched it like last week and I found myself enjoying the movie all over again~mostly to listen to the music again. The favorite thing about Rio IS the music. It really sets the atmosphere--from lively and bright to calm and adrift in the air. He also looks like Tim Curry.

Rio definetaly made cockatoo's bigger and more dangerous than I thought they were. Like this is a cockatoo. Literally just a lil dude.

I was gonna say that it would be cool if somehow a harpy eagle was the villain of the first movie. But I think a harpy eagle would be like a Dark Souls boss to those birds lol.

This is one the classics of the early 2010s to be honest. It's fun! It's witty! It's so darn charming and I wish the creators put more effort into the show. Megamind really has every thing, a funny and likable main character, an awesome female lead who also drives the plot, a lovable side-kick--and an awesome soundtrack with amazing taste in music? Thank you Megamind for being awesome. So sorry they put so little effort into your sequel and show and dumbed down your characters, you deserved better :(

I can't believe I let tumblr decieve me into watching the show. Never again.

This movie's great I do not care how bad or cringe it is. If you just want something fun to watch then this movie's a good choice.

Side note: the rewatch was distracting cuz I was trying to figure out why one of the actors looked so familiar--searched it up and turns out Austin Butler's in this lmao what a loser

This is cinema~

Two words: potentially good.

I have never seen this movie, and a few days ago I decided to finally sit down and stream it. I can see why it's so underrated. It's a fun movie to watch but the pacing was a bit--odd. I've seen people say it's the pacing having the movie seem all funky and I'm inclined to agree. I do adore the characters though.

100/10 The Movie that Made me love Kung Fu

I saw this movie for the first time back in like, maybe 2009/2010? Not sure, but I won-something-to which the prize was a movie thearer experience in the school gymnasium. We were sat in the cold floor--with the gym decor and ventilation in the walls obstructing the movie a bit.I think those walls gave me trypophobia somehow? Anywho-

This and Fury Road are like my two all-time favorite movies based solely on coolness factor alone. And let me tell you.

Penguin surfing movie good, tiktok was being super weird as usual and acting as if they were like "wow this movie is underrated, it's such a deep movie wow so philisophical" where I was heckled by friends for daring to say the same about this movie years ago.

That being said 10/10.


I grew up with the 2002 TV show, and watched exactly one episode of the 80s cartoon on VHS and this might be my favorite TMNT media??

I'm kinda realizing now how many Guillermo del Toro works I'm listing here. Like one third of this list is del Toro lol.

These movies are so good! Fantasy horror is a cool genre, and I love urban fantasy--so naturally I adore these movies. Again, the costuming department did an amazing job--so jealous of Hellboy's trenchcoat ahhh. Again, Guillermo coming in with his inspiring use of color and the design of his backgrounds--it conveys a feeling and a setting.

And again, Ron Pearlman nailing his performance of Hellboy--charming, yet somewhat jaded.